Helpful Guide on Selecting the Best Colors for Your Painting Project

You probably have noticed it at least a couple of times; there are some places that you consider attractive and appealing, while others are unattractive and even annoying to the eyes. There are so many factors that affect how we feel about a certain place, but if there is one thing that superficially guides out thoughts and judgment, it has to be color. The fact is more than 50{11c50fe863e0b370590e23bb49e6b91b8d76900d7da71a5ca576ebdb2697a4da} of a person’s response to a place or audience is dictated by color. Simply put, if you do not like the color, you won’t have to feel good about it. The same rule applies when it comes to your home’s painting project.

If you have been contemplating about repainting your home’s interior or exterior, the most important thing to consider is color. After all, the reason why you decided to paint is because the old color on your walls no longer has the same satisfying effect as it had before. Interestingly though, a lot of people make the mistake of choosing the wrong color and the epitome of that is the fact that after the project is finished, they realize they don’t like it.

Thankfully, we are here to give you a bunch of tips on how to select the best colors for your painting project, the idea of which is to ensure you come up with an output you no won’t regret. Keep in mind that a residential painting job, be it interior or exterior, is a significant investment, which means you literally have no room for error. Well, it all starts with choosing the right pain color.

Take Small Steps

When it comes to painting your home, it is not like you dive right into the deep ocean. If you are having trouble figuring out which color to use, you can do some little experiment by purchasing a modest amount of paint and do your bathroom or powder room. Choose a place to conduct your experiment with the main consideration being the size. The smaller the area, the quicker you will see the results. If you are not convinced it is the right color, move on to the next. While you are spending a lot of time going over every paint color you can imagine, it is way better than abruptly choosing one and end up painting your entire interior or exterior with a color you realize you do not really like.

The Mood Plays a Crucial Role

choosing a paint color

If you are painting one room or area, selecting the right color depends on the mood. For example, the bedroom is unique since you want a color that promotes relaxation, intimacy, and comfort. Hence, your likely choices are soft and neutral colors. If you want to promote intimacy, sensual feel or drama, stronger colors might be a better option. As for the kids’ room, you might want to pick brighter and energetic paint colors. The dining area and living rooms on the other hand need bright colors that promote an active and sociable atmosphere.

Lighting and Paint Go Hand-in-Hand

If you are contemplating on repainting your interior, bear in mind that lighting plays a critical role, too. You must learn the basics of how lighting and paint color complement each other. For instance, natural daylight showcases the true nature of any color, while the presence of incandescent lighting in the living room brings warmer tones such as yellow. If you have fluorescent lighting inside, know that it casts a remarkable blue tone.

Know The Color Terms As If You’re An Expert

Finally, you must familiarize yourself with the terminology in describing color. These terms are universal, so you have to learn them for you to have a much better understanding in selecting the right paint color for your project. For example, the color we come to know actually refers to “hue.” Therefore, blue and red are hues. On the other hand, saturation talks about the dominance of the hue. Hence, from the color red to pink, it translates to the fact that the red hue is less dominant.

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from Fast n Clean Painters

How To Find A Painting Contractor

how to find painting contractors in your areaFinding a painting contractor to paint the interior or the exterior of your home can be a daunting task. You want a company that delivers superior work at an affordable cost. They should pay attention to detail and their work should be clean. However, how can you choose the best company in your area? In this article, we explore some ways to get around this task.

Schedule A Consultation

Find three painting contractors in your area who have good reviews and who have been in the  industry for an extended length of time. Maybe ask friends and family members. During the meeting, they should take an appropriate amount of time to assess your home. He or she should check the condition and take a walk around your house. While they are there, be sure to ask a lot of questions. Ask about crew size and the experience that their crew has.

Talk About Your Expectations

There is a lot that goes into a painting project. The quality of paint, the number of coats, and other factors help determine the quality of the project. These same factors also determine price. One of the biggest factors is the prep work that needs to happen before a surface is painted. If you want a surface that is even, you need to tell the contractor at your consultation. However, you may have to pay extra. If you are okay with some degree of imperfections, then you need to agree on what you believe is acceptable and what isn’t.

Get A Written Estimate

When you meet with your selected painting companies, they should assess the condition of your home. They should sit down with you and discuss your expectations. Also, they should provide you with a written estimate that lays out the cost of labor and materials. It should include the amount of surface prep that they will complete.

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Other Tips

painting your home's exterior

  • Get references- Talk to previous customers and see how happy they are with the work that this company did. See if it has held up after a few years. The company needs to have a pattern of delivering high quality work. Get older references and current ones.
  • Check for appropriate licensing, insurance, and industry affiliations
  • Get an official contract-This contract should include the contractor’s name, physical address, telephone number, license number, and any pertinent details of your job.
  • It should state what is included in your project and what isn’t. Get a copy of their liability insurance, including worker’s comp. You don’t want to be responsible for any mishaps.
  • This contract should state what they guarantee. If, for example, any chipping or flaking occurs within two years, you want them to come and correct it at little to no cost.  Make sure this is part of the contract.
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